Comparing mock exam performance vs real exam performance for SQE1
Author: Joe Nicklin & An Nguyen
Last updated: 23rd October 2024
Everyone wants to know - how do mock exams compare vs the real thing?
The SRA don't release past papers, so different prep providers take it upon themselves to create mock exams to get their students fit and ready for exam day
We've collated, reviewed, analysed and synthesised dozens and dozens of data points on candidate performance in their mock exams vs their real exam performance, and are bringing this to you below in the breakdown below.
The tl/dr - prep with as many mocks as you can, and definitely do the QLTS paper (free), ReviseSQE (affordable) and SRA (free)
Summary of Mock exam performance vs. Actual exam performance for SQE1
Summary: Students performed significantly better in the actual exam by 10% to 22% vs their QLTS mock score, with an average increase of 13.5%.
Notes: These scores are likely to be based on student performance in the free QLTS mock exam. And because of the free exam, we have a good number of data points for this.
Summary: Many students who took Barbri mocks reported lower scores on the actual exam, with drops ranging from -15% to -2%, with an average decrease of -9%
Notes: This is based on a good number of data points. Barbri do not release free or separate mocks, so these scores are likely from people who are signed up a Barbri prep course.
Revise SQE

Summary: Students who used Revise SQE mock exams tended to see slightly higher scores on the actual SQE1 exam, with gains typically between 0% and +10%, with an average gain of +4%
Notes: Because this mock is popular and affordable, we have a good number of data points here. Students using these mocks come from a wide range of backgrounds and many are using different prep providers as well.
SRA Sample Papers
Summary: The SRA sample papers appeared to be particularly easy, with students often scoring lower on the actual exam by about -12% vs their SQE mock results
Notes: This seems to be the general consensus, but the range of reported differences in scores is wide from -25% to +2% suggesting very mixed views on just 'how easy' the SRA sample papers are vs the real thing.
Summary: ULaw mock exam users generally saw lower scores on the actual exam, with declines between -15% and -5%, and an average decline of -10% vs the ULaw mocks
Notes: We don’t have many data points here, so take this with a grain of salt
Summary: BPP mock exam users saw a small but consistent lower scores in their actual SQE1 scores, typically between -4% and -2%.
Notes: We don’t have many data points here, so take this with a grain of salt
The summary
So what should I do? Simple - prep with as many mocks as you can. And definitely do the QLTS paper (free), ReviseSQE (affordable) and SRA (free)
Now you know as much as we do. We'll update this piece of research as we collect more data and after each exam sitting.